There are so many loan companies out there that claim to offer no credit check loans. Then why do they ask for your customer's social security number? There is only one lending program in the nation that offers a TRUE 100% no credit check loan. Our no credit check program even has a U.S. Patent.
Our financing is essentially a lending platform for short term lending. It's designed to facilitate consumer purchases up to a year in length. It accomplishes
this by examining recent account activity associated with income and day to day living. We use over 30 parameters ranging from overall economic conditions to
the customer's own level of responsibility to create a best fit for a customer without looking at the major credit agencies. We don't collect a social security
number and we don't do a hard or soft credit pull.
This isn't a typical no credit check program, rent to own, or one of the many variations meant to gouge a consumer who may have less than an ideal big 3 credit rating.
It's not for people who don't pay their bills either. The 3 major bureaus have 7 or more years worth of history which is fine for loans extending over long
durations. In our opinion our financing is an accurate alternative for shorter periods.
We look at the last few months of bank/employment activity and makes a fair assessment of the individual's financial position. There is a one time per sale fee of $35.00 assessed. The merchant pays a discount rate to guarantee the payments. This discount is
usually added to the sale amount. The plan fees (interest rates) are very low. You have the option of charging the customer the interest or
absorbing the cost yourself Most customers love our rates because they are far less than credit cards.
The rate we charge is based on the duration of the payment plan. Three and six months is 9%. Nine months is 12% and 15% is for a year. These rates
are not for 'best case' customers. Everyone that's approved gets these rates. In addition, if the customer pays off their balance within the first 90 days we
waive the discount entirely. If it's over 90 days all future interest is waived. No other fees are added in to get this benefit.
No cost to get setup.